After curing, we are seeking to produce a “premium” cigar, and to aged tobacco for another period. By maintaining the ultimate conditions. It is customary to age tobacco leaves for two or three years, the process of balancing the various quality in the leaves to assemble a particularly high-quality cigar, is our “premium” cigar
The stripped leaves that were wrapped in bales and stored are taking to the final production. to be ready for manufacture into cigars, they are steamed to restore lost humidity, and split to sizes and kind, ligero, viso and seco.
The veins of the wrapper should appear in a uniform spiral, and the leaf must be smooth and taut
our blender receives the top quality of the products and then start to build our formula, percentage from each kind to manufacture and build our premium cigars.
First the blender selects the filler. These are placed one on top of the other and rolled into a bunch. Then the blender places the bunch on the binder leaf and rolls the binder leaf cylindrically around the filler. The unfinished cigars are placed in an open wooden mold that holds them in shape until they can be wrapped.
The blender selects for each kind of formula the right wrapper. An envelope that gives a wonderful beauty and aroma as present to cigar aficionado
our Cigars are checked for quality control each step of the manufacturing process. The quality of the tobacco leaves and Inhalation machine control are very important.
The right and similar color of wrapper of each line are package together to bundles and put at aging room before boxing.
Each line boxed are freeze before transfers to our aficionado cigar.